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ISTITUTO EUROPEO a position of excellence |
ISTITUTO EUROPEO is almost finished with it's intense work for 2010.
It hasn't been an easy year for ISTITUTO EUROPEO because of the global
recession. Nevertheless, the ISTITUTO EUROPEO has been innovative and
promoted programs whose aim is to improve quality and excellence, such
as with the Internship Program and the program for Entrepreneurial
Excellence in Italy and Italian Life & Culture.
The results we were able to attain were surprising and for the nextyear we hope to double our performance.
The study of the Italian language seems to be stagnant, perhaps
because of the economic recession. Apparently the traditional Italian
intensive courses are more attractive to a mature public coming from
the European and Japanese markets, and somewhat still appealing tointensive courses are more attractive to a mature public coming from
Australian and New Zealand youths. Probably because in these
countries the recession hasn't reached the European peaks.
The "made in Italy" fascination is still the driving reason to study
of the Italian service industry in the world market (rather than the
manufacturing industry, which is less important to the Italian economy
but nevertheless started the fascination) will give vitality to a new
Renaissance of the "made in Italy" brand.
Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year to everyone!I S T I T U T O E U R O P E O
diffusione della lingua, musica, arte e cultura italiana
I.E. Academic Programs
Via Del Parione, 1 (Tornabuoni) - 50123 Firenze - Italy
tel +39 055 2381071 - +39 055 217403 - fax +39 055 289145
email: info@istitutoeuropeo.it
website: www.istitutoeuropeo.it
website: www.studyabroad-ie.com
http://www.myspace.com/ istitutoeuropeo
diffusione della lingua, musica, arte e cultura italiana
I.E. Academic Programs
Via Del Parione, 1 (Tornabuoni) - 50123 Firenze - Italy
tel +39 055 2381071 - +39 055 217403 - fax +39 055 289145
email: info@istitutoeuropeo.it
website: www.istitutoeuropeo.it
website: www.studyabroad-ie.com