giovedì 29 ottobre 2015

Istituto Europeo Internship of Excellence: culinary

via Scambieuropei

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit “

In the culinary arts you can reach excellence by repeatedly doing because doing is a perfect way to gain excellence.
Internships are a good opportunity to start this doing: our program helps you develop your culinary experience by learning the doing from more experienced professionals.
Thus we offer you work in a real restaurant, usually 6 days per week, 6 hours per day.
We select the best restaurants in Florence.

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mercoledì 21 ottobre 2015

Istituto Europeo internships: Our Program Your Questions

Our Program Your Questions

To learn more about an internship in Florence and how Istituto Europeo supports this program, check out Your Questions and Our Responses

Who can do an internship?

Every one who is attending a university and is less than 30 year old

Is Italian mandatory?

In Italy the official language is Italian and technically Italian is mandatory. There are some placements though where the knowledge of English is sufficient

After interning how many chances do I have to be hired by the company I worked with?

Not many but this said some companies hired some talented and serious interns during the past years

How can we trust Istituto Europeo about the quality of its placements?

Just from a single word: passion.
Through our passion is bred our reliability. Every time we place an intern in a Florentine company we try to find the perfect match between the company, its features, structures, environment and the intern’s internship goal. This is a constant and never ending search for the best worksites that leads us to a high quality of our placements.

For how long I can undertake an internship?
8,12,16, 20, 24 weeks

Can I take two different internship at the same time?
No, it is forbidden by Italian law

Are internships paid?

No, in Italy internships are unpaid by law

Since in Italy internships are unpaid can I work at night so that I can pay my internship?

We don’t suggest this.
One reason is that now in Italy it is extremely difficult to find a job, especially for foreigners (visa, permit to stay, complicated law regarding immigration…).
Another reason is that we don’t suggest working at the same time you do internship because you risks becoming fatigued and arriving tired and unfocused at the internship work site.
The internship even if it is an unpaid work , is still a real job and should be taken seriously

Why, in comparison with other providers, are your internship costs so cheap?
Because during the year we have a good number of interns that permits us to keep our prices low

Why do companies take interns?

Of course because they work for free, but this is not the main reason or at least not the most important reason.
The most important reason is that companies love having someone who is bringing new ideas, freshness , and different way of reasoning to work with

Is it possible to do an internship of two or three weeks?

The minimum required for an internship is an 8 week internship
A 2/3 week internship is without value, it is not a real experience and we don’t suggest it.
Besides no serious company is taking an intern for three weeks . To teach an intern the work he/she has to do it takes around two weeks. It is therefore easy to understand why a company is not interested in taking an intern for less than 8 weeks.

What type of document and/or paperwork do I need to intern in Italy?

It is quite complex to respond to such a question.
There are countries that don’t need the visa until 90 days ( and other countries that need it ( Since the matter is quite complicated and changes from country to country and requirements are often different from consulate to consulate
For this reason it is important that interns contact the nearest Italian Consulate or Embassy in their country for information regarding the necessary documents and procedures

Will you provide housing, or do I have to find it on my own?

Istituto Europeo does not own any apartments or housing facilities, but acts purely as an intermediary between the apartment owners and the students. Students are not required to use Istituto Europeo's housing assistance in order to attend the courses.

Will I know the tasks of my internship before I start?
This is an interesting question. Italian companies are not prone to give much information about the tasks.
The Italian mentality is: let me see the person and I’ll tell you what he can do.
We always try to get all the possible information about the interns’s duties and tasks but often we hit this wall: the reluctance of Italian companies to give information. You will fully understand the tasks of your internship once you arrive at the company

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mercoledì 14 ottobre 2015

Dreaming of Florence: Istituto Europeo an outstanding school in Florence

Foto via Devon Elizabeth Barnes

Istituto Europeo (IE) programs of excellence is an outstanding school and services company in Florence, providing courses and consulting services through a strategy of flexibility, innovation, quality and reliability.
We develop and implement our educational vision to improve and challenge IE clients’ objectives and goals .

Our leading products:

"Goals are closer than you think"

Laura Tressel Journalism:
Natalie Frank: Natalie Frank physiotherapy:
Hanna Emelie Jonasson Fashion Design:
Delaney San Martino Fashion Merchandising:
Julie Greder Brand marketing:
Lumeng Jin Chemical Lab:
Goki Fujiya pharmacovigilance:
Rachael Perez social work:

Un diverso linguaggio è una diversa visione della vita - Federico Fellini
(A different language, is a different vision of life)

Sylvia Plyler:
Silvia Torres:
Ana Peinado:
Christoph Warnkross:
Chrisni Mendis:
Olivia Broderick:

Bisogna valorizzare l'equilibrio dei contrasti, in cucina e nella vita
(We need to enhance the balance of contrasts in the kitchen, as well as in life) - Davide Oldani Italian chef

Our course aims at creating a new profession, the"BioChef." The Bio Chef is a figure who can transform the traditional chef tasks into a newchef profile, fundamentally and essentially focused on a healthy eating culture.

The BioChef must know the typical, traditional and seasonal products of the territory in which he operates. Above all, he has to be able to plan and execute menus distinguished by creativity and healthy cooking that offer clients ethical, health, and environmentally friendly recipes.

The BioChef must therefore develop a perfect knowledge for how to choose quality products and match them, enhancing their organoleptic characteristics. His knowledge and skills will thus enable him to develop innovative solutions based on healthy and delicious dishes.

The BioChef must finally combine quality and sustainability, taste and health, safety and traceability, technology and tradition.


ISTITUTO EUROPEO Music Department a method of Excellence
Music, when it hits you you feel no pain (Bob Marley)

Today our Music Department, led by Director Monica Benvenuti, has become a win-win situation. We created a product of success for your success. Every time you leave the classroom after your tailor-made lesson, you can feel and measure the results and benefits you receive from this one-on-one attention.
ISTITUTO EUROPEO Music Department’s brand has now become synonymous with quality. When you buy our lessons, you buy quality. The ISTITUTO EUROPEO Music Department provides students with a method of Excellence

Dina Shikhman:
Tiffany Tobias:
Vincent Law:

Contact us! -

lunedì 28 settembre 2015


Miriam Jiménez, practicante en “Istituto Europeo Firenze”

Escrito por Miriam Jiménez.

     Hace unos meses tuve la oportunidad de escribir cuáles eran mis expectativas sobre mi estancia en Florencia, a lo que dije que esperaba que fuese “una experiencia preciosa e inolvidable”. Pues bien, el momento final de mi estancia en esta preciosa ciudad ha llegado y puedo concluir que esta experiencia ha superado todas mis expectativas y que esa frase se ha cumplido literalmente.

     Salir al extranjero no siempre es fácil, pero es muy gratificante. Se adquieren nuevos valores, se viven nuevas experiencias, se conoce la cultura del país y se aprende el idioma.

     Quiero agradecer a "Istituto Europeo Firenze" por brindarme la oportunidad de realizar aquí mis prácticas. He adquirido conocimientos necesarios no sólo para la labor que he venido realizando con las entrevistas, artículos y traducciones, sino para aplicarlo a todo tipo de ámbito. Además, el ambiente de trabajo ha sido inmejorable, algo que ayuda mucho, principalmente cuando te encuentras en un país diferente al de origen.

     Sin duda, puedo afirmar que Florencia, esta bella ciudad que quise conocer, cada uno de los museos y lugares que he visitado y las personas a las que he conocido, han hecho que este lugar sea especial para mí y que desee volver pronto.

Arriverci Firenze, Arrivederci Istituto Europeo! Grazie mille. Muchas gracias.

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venerdì 25 settembre 2015

Istituto Europeo offers internship opportunities for students - Florence, Italy


Istituto Europeo offers internship opportunities for students in Florence, Italy. Currently, we are looking for interns in the fields of Marketing, Journalism, Digital Public Relations, and Video Making. Interns who come to Istituto Europeo will be given responsibilities related to their field and expected to work with us as well as assert some level of independence in their work. This is a great opportunity for university students who want to complete an internship somewhere exciting and vibrant.
If students are interested in applying for an internship, they can contact Istituto Europeo at or find more information on our website,

Internship job descriptions


The marketing Intern will be responsible for assisting Istituto Europeo in the development and implementation of its marketing, business development, and public relations plans. This will be accomplished through developing, maintaining and expanding marketing channels/methodologies in internet


Istituto Europeo is currently looking for Journalism/Communication/Writing interns who are interested in writing for Istituto Europeo's blogs.

Intern duties could include, but are not limited to:

- Covering local (Florentine) events (i.e. festivals, sport performances, grand openings, exhibits, 
- Writing feature articles about history of Florence, shops , bookstores , coffee shops in Florence
- Taking picture for our columns and social media
- Assisting in translations

Digital Public Relations

- Skills and requirements of a Digital PR intern:
- Must be a confident communicator
- Must possess excellent verbal and written communication skills
- Have a full understanding of media needs and media relationships
- Be proactive, reliable, responsible and accurate with an attention to detail
- Possess the ability to keep information confidential
- Tactical understanding of all primary social media platforms
- A wide degree of creativity
- Self motivated


Digital PR interns are tasked with fielding social media contents and writing email marketing contents, develop advertising and marketing communications to gain space in internet. PR digital intern will also release information to counter online negative publicity

Video Making Roles & Responsibilities

The Video Production intern will create videos (and pieces for the stories) for web contents and promotional purposes, set up and manage YouTube account for Istituto Europeo.

Contact us! -

martedì 11 agosto 2015


Entrevista traducida por Miriam Jiménez.

Me llamo Delaney. Acabo de cumplir 22 años y me gradué por la Universidad de Rhode Island en Mayo. Me interesa mucho el mundo de la Industria de la Moda, motivo por el cual realicé una estancia de prácticas aquí.

Estudié Administración y Finanzas en la escuela, pero además de eso, asistí a algunas clases de moda para adquirir algo de experiencia en ese campo.

¿Puedes contarnos un poco sobre cuáles son tus tareas durante tus prácticas?

     Soy pasante en un grupo dedicado a la Moda aquí en Florencia, y tengo que hacer mucho trabajo a través de ordenador, usando por ejemplo, el programa Excel. Son una empresa de Consultoría, y básicamente, dan descuentos en bienes de lujo a empresas con las que ellos trabajan. Tienen un montón de clientes en Canadá y Asia, así que yo hago mucho trabajo de contabilidad basada en listas clientes, daños a los bienes, envíos y cosas así. 

¿Estás disfrutando?, ¿has aprendido mucho?

     ¡Sí, me encanta! Estoy aprendiendo mucho sobre las marcas que ellos tienen aquí, que son muy famosas y de mucho lujo y las cuales no están muy vistas en América.

Estas prácticas me están ayudando mucho a ampliar mi conocimiento en moda sólo con ver tantas marcas como tienen. Suelo ver fotos e investigar un poco sobre las marcas, lo cual me ha ayudado a adquirir un mayor conocimiento. También he mejorado mis competencias en el trabajo con ordenador y Excel, y principalmente sobre cómo trabaja la Industria de la Moda.

¿Por qué decidiste venir a Italia para realizar las prácticas y qué te hizo decantarte por ‘Istituto Europeo’?

     Quise venir aquí porque realmente quería viajar. Estaba terminando la escuela y nunca había tenido la oportunidad de estudiar en el extranjero, así que quise hacer un último esfuerzo por vivir la experiencia.

Fue entonces cuando decidí conocer más acerca de prácticas en el extranjero. Realmente quería venir a Italia porque es la capital del mundo de la Moda, así que pensé que era el mejor lugar para realizarlas.

Además, soy 75% italiana, así que es parte de mi herencia y pensé que sería emocionante estar aquí. Encontré Istituto Europeo durante mi búsqueda online, y definitivamente, fue la mejor opción para conseguir una pasantía. 

¿Es esta la primera vez que estás en el extranjero?

     Es la primera vez que vivo en el extranjero, pero ya estuve en Europa cuando cursaba mi primer año de instituto. Pero sí, esta ha sido mi primera vez en Italia y viviendo en el extranjero, y definitivamente ha sido increíble.

¿Cómo fue la experiencia?

     Me encantó. Lo que me gusta de vivir en el extranjero es que experimentas la cultura de una forma que no se vive si sólo vas de visita al país. La cultura italiana es muy diferente y fue realmente bonito verla y experimentarla como si fuera parte de ella. Esa es verdaderamente la diferencia entre vivir aquí y venir sólo de visita.

¿Qué es lo que más te gustó sobre Italia, y sobre Florencia en particular?

     He visitado muchos lugares de Italia, así que si tuviera que elegir, Florencia fue mi lugar favorito. Me gusta mucho. Lo que más me gusta sobre Italia es lo relajado que está todo. En América, todo es muy apresurado y serio, y aquí todo parece ser mucho más relajado y a un ritmo más lento. Me gusta Florencia porque es una ciudad pequeña y cercana . En Florencia, puedes caminar por cualquier sitio, conoces a la gente, y es un lugar muy acogedor. Además, me encantan todos los edificios históricos que tiene.

¿Recomendarías a otros estudiantes que realicen prácticas en el extranjero?

     Sí, definitivamente recomiendo la experiencia. Creo que ‘Istituto Europeo’ hizo un gran trabajo para organizar todo y encontrarme el lugar de prácticas que realmente quería. Además, pienso que es muy importante que la gente experimente diferentes culturas y venga a vivir al extranjero. Es algo muy valioso para ti mismo/a y tu futura carrera profesional. Espero que en mi búsqueda de empleo, sea una ventaja no solo el haber realizado unas prácticas, sino también tener la experiencia de viajar.

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