venerdì 28 novembre 2014

Emi Oshima, dal Giappone all'Istituto Europeo per un internship come maestra di asilo

Emi con la lettera delle colleghe ed il libretto dei bambini
Cara Emi, qual è il ricordo più bello del tuo periodo in Italia?

Per me, tutta la mia vita in Italia è stata bellissima.
Sopratutto il periodo dell'internship è stato meraviglioso.
Ho imparato tante cose dalle esperienze dell'internship.

Perché hai voluto fare un internship in un asilo nido?
Prima di tutto mi piacciono i bambini.
Poi, non volevo lavorare davanti al computer tutto il giorno.
Volevo fare un internship attivo.
Quindi ho scelto un asilo nido.

Momenti da ricordare della tua internship?
Tutti momenti sono indimenticabili.
Quando i bambini mi si avvicinavano chiamando il mio nome "EMI!!!",
mi rendevano felicissima.
Un giorno, una bambina di 1 anno, mi ha chiesto di abbracciarla.
E dopo che l'ho abbracciata, mi ha dato un bacino improvvisamente.
Un altro giorno, un bambino è caduto giocando sul tappetino.
Poi è venuto da me, mi ha mostrato la guancia e io gli ho detto "Non è niente".
Ma lui non andava via e continuava a mostrarmi la guancia.
Ho cercato di capire perché rimaneva, e mi è venuta un'idea.
"Ah, vuole un bacino!!"
Così gli ho dato un bacino sulla guancia, lui è andato via sorridendo soddisfatto.
Per me tutti i momenti sono carinissimi!!

Che cosa hai imparato da questa esperienza?
Emi in Italia
Ho imparato tante cose.
L'italiano che si usa all'asilo nido mi interessava molto.
Una collega mi ha insegnato che in Italia all'asilo nido ai bambini si insegna di "MANGIARE" prima di tutto.
Ho avuto anche modo di vedere il rapporto che c'è nella famiglia italiana, i modi di pensare e di cullare i bambini.

Credi sia sia importante abbinare lo studio della lingua italiana all'intership, così com'è strutturato il programma internship dell'Istituto Europeo?

Si, credo che sia importante.
Se io non avessi studiato l'italiano a sufficienza, non avrei potuto capire o sapere le cose del lavoro così bene.
Ho studiato non solo la lingua ma anche la cultura italiana per 8 mesi all'ISTITUTO EUROPEO,
ho potuto imparare tante cose dai bambini e dalle altre educatrici.

Hai avuto una buona esperienza all'Istituto Europeo?

Ho conosciuto tanti amici da tutto il mondo.
Per me conoscere queste persone è come aprire la porta del mondo.
Mi hanno insegnato la loro cultura, lingua, modi di pensare ecc.
Parlare con loro (ovviamente in italiano) mi divertiva molto.
Con loro siamo andati in molti bei posti, ad esempio Pisa, le Cinque Terre, buoni ristoranti, pizzerie, bar ecc.

Raccomanderesti questo programma?

Si, raccomanderei davvero questo programma.
Se venite a Firenze per imparare l'italiano all'ISTITUTO EUROPEO, fate anche l'internship!!
Farete un'esperienza meravigliosa!!

lunedì 3 novembre 2014

ISTITUTO EUROPEO: Dream, Come, Enjoy, Learn!


Florence is the dream city. In Florence everything speaks about history, magic, seduction, romance… Every morning you will wake up in a stunning scenery and will be driven into a new life adventure in the city of Dante and Michelangelo, surrounded by the river Arno, the ancient buildings, and the unforgettable atmosphere of a past that never ends.


Come to Istituto Europeo in the heart of Florence and live an unforgettable and unique experience. It’s easy: contact our friendly staff who will help you making your dreams come true. Stories make people closer: start your story with Istituto Europeo.


Florence is not only art and history: it offers an incredible range of possibilities to discover and have fun. The city is rich in cafes, events and nightlife. Its position makes of Florence the perfect location to start any travel: in Tuscany, Italy or Europe.


Istituto Europeo is one of the leading schools for foreigners in Florence. With our long-standing experience in education, we offer not only Italian courses but also other options – music, art, internship, study abroad and short programs. Choose Istituto Europeo for your studies and start with your own Italian experience!

giovedì 2 ottobre 2014

Ana Peinado, practicante del Istituto Europeo - Ciudadana del mundo en la bella Italia

Por Ilaria Gelichi 

Hola Ana, primero cuéntanos algo de ti. De dónde vienes, qué has estudiado,...

Mi nombre es Ana Peinado y vengo de España, concretamente de Córdoba, una hermosa ciudad situada en la región de Andalucía. Tengo 23 años y recientemente terminé mis estudios de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas en la Universidad de Sevilla.
Me encanta mi carrera y estoy especiálizandome en la rama de Relaciones Públicas y Comunicación.

En cuanto a tu práctica, ¿por qué decidistes venir a Italia y sobre todo, por qué a Florencia? ¿Conocías algo del país?

Siempre me ha gustado viajar, conocer nuevos lugares y sentirme una ciudadana más del país en el que esté, conociendo desde dentro su cultura y sus costumbres. El año pasado estuve haciendo un intercambio de un año en Santiago de Chile y tuve la oportunidad de conocer una buena parte de Sudamérica. Me encantó la experiencia, por lo que me animé a solicitar nuevas becas que pudieran formarme personal y academicamente.

Italia siempre ha sido un país que me ha encantado y Florencia una ciudad maravillosa llena de cultura y vida. Ya había estado en Italia un par de veces, pero solo de turista, esta es la primera vez que estoy viviendo aquí. Respecto a Florencia, es una ciudad que tiene mucho encanto y realmente es una de las más bonitas que he visto.

Decidí por lo tanto,  que sería un buen destino para vivir una bonita experiencia, aprender el idioma y una oportunidad para prepararme al mundo laboral.
Por suerte, el Istituto de Idiomas me dio la oportunidad de realizar unas prácticas en la Administración, por lo que no tuve ninguna duda en agarrar las maletas y venirme para Florencia.

¿Cuál fue tu primera impresión que te llevastes el primer día en el Istituto Europeo? ¿Te gusta tu trabajo aquí?

Fue realmente buena, me gustó muchísimo el ambiente intercultural que se palpa en el colegio. Al haber personas de todas las partes del mundo, tienes la oportunidad de ir conociendo un poquito de sus países, su idioma y su cultura, aprendiendo nuevas cosas constantemente.
Respecto al personal del colegio y a mi coordinador, me parecieron muy agradables y en todo momento han estado pendientes de mí, haciendo lo posible porque mi práctica aquí sea lo más satisfactoria posible, otorgándome poco a poco más responsabilidades para seguir formándome. Estoy contenta con el trabajo que desempeño  y me siento muy cómoda en el colegio.

Cuéntanos, ¿ cuáles son tus objetivos a conseguir durante esta experienca en Florencia?

Mi meta principal es aprender lo máximo posible del trabajo que estoy relizando dentro del campo de la comunicación y tener unos conocimientos aptos de italiano, que me hagan disfrutar aun más de esta vivencia y que me preparen para mi futuro laboral. Por otra parte, al hablar cada día inglés en el colegio, voy perfeccionando mis conocimientos y esto hace que al final sea una grata recompensa.

Por ultimo, ¿recomendarías esta experiencia a otros estudiantes?

Desde luego que sí. Estoy convencida que el salir fuera de casa para tener una experiencia como ésta es siempre una buena idea, es realmente enriquecedor. Creces muchísimo tanto personal como laboralmente, además de conocer personas de todo los lugares, haciendo que tu visión del mundo se amplíe considerablemente.

mercoledì 30 luglio 2014

August 2014 at ISTITUTO EUROPEO: Schedule of Activites

August 2014 (July 28th – August 22nd)

Mon  28   9:00 am      Written and oral placement test
                7:00 pm      Welcome dinner € 30
Tue   29   2:00 pm      Presentation about cultural activities in Florence in August
Wed  30 12:30 pm      Lunch (typical tastings of Tuscan cuisine) € 20
Thu   31   2:00 pm      Movie: “Notte prima degli esami” by F. Brizzi
Fri     1     8:30 pm      Florence by night with dinner € 38
Sat    2    7:30 am      Hiking in Chianti with lunch and wine tasting € 45
Sun   3     8:00 am      Day tour to Montepulciano, Pienza & Montalcino with lunch € 69

Mon  4    2:00 pm       The Director meets the students of Istituto Europeo
Tue   5    3:00 pm       Visit to a Florentine workshop: Lastrucci’s mosaics
Wed  6  12:30 pm       Lunch (typical tastings of Tuscan cuisine) € 20
Thu   7    2:00 pm       Movie: “Io speriamo che me la cavo” by L. Wertmüller
Fri     8    2:00 pm       Tour to Siena, Monteriggioni & Castellina in Chianti + dinner € 40
               8:30 pm       Florence by night with dinner € 38
Sat    9    7:45 am       Day tour to Portofino & San Fruttuoso € 50
Sun   10  7:45 am       Day tour to Pisa, Siena & S. Gimignano with lunch € 50

Mon  11   2:00 pm      Visit to Ferragamo Museum € 6
Tue   12   3:00 pm      Movie: “Riso amaro” , by G. De Santis
Wed  13 12:30 pm      Lunch (typical tastings of Tuscan cuisine) € 20
Thu   14   3:00 pm      Conference: “Dante and his Time
Fri     15                      Festa: FERRAGOSTO
Sat    16  2:00 pm      Day tour to the Palio of Siena € 40
Dom  17  7 :15 am      Day tour to Cinque Terre € 40

Mon  18  3:00 pm       Movie: “I cento passi” by T.M. Giordana
Tue   19                      No activities
Wed  20  2:30 pm      Tour to Siena, Monteriggioni & Castellina in Chianti + dinner € 40 

Thu   21  5:30 pm     Concert provided by the artists of Istituto Europeo
                 7:00 pm       Farewell dinner € 30
Fri     22  12:30 pm     Farewell party. Awarding of attendance certificates/diplomas

venerdì 13 giugno 2014

A new lighting for Ponte Vecchio, starting on June 16

by Ilaria Gelichi

A special event in Florence on Monday, June 16: with “Ponte Vecchio, Luci ed Emozioni” start the celebrations for the 60th year of the Centre of Florence for Italian fashion. In this occasion will be presented the new lighting of Ponte Vecchio, a gift by the stylist and entrepreneur Stefano Ricci to his city. The new installation costed 400.000 euros and counts more than 100 LEDs for both the interior and the exterior of the famous bridge. According to the data acquired, with the new lighting the city will save between 12 and 15 thousands of euros, almost 80%.

Maestro Andrea Bocelli will turn on the lights and give his artistic contribute to the event. The lighting will be accompanied by an aquatic show by the French company Iliotope, that will occupy 500 metres on the river Arno from the Canottieri club to Santa Trinita bridge. The show will start at 10 pm and will give viewers 45 minutes made of magic and fireworks. At the end, the voice of Andrea Bocelli will give the final touch to the event.

How to get around: traffic limitations will be the same used for San Giovanni’s fireworks. The Lungarni between Ponte Vecchio and Ponte Santa Trinita will be closed to traffic, but there will be no limitations for pedestrians, who will be able to walk on both bridges.

mercoledì 23 aprile 2014

Marriages and Flowers in Tuscany: Interview with Tori, manager at Tuscany Flowers in Florence

Author: Gayane Simonyan

Tori is an American designer with degrees in Theatre and Interior Design. Currently she works at Tuscany Flowers in Florence - the company was founded in 1997. Her work background is rather diverse and non-traditional with experiences in performance, human resources and teaching as well as design. She finds these experiences serve to enrich her creative process as it gives her a broad perspective on her work. Location has also been a source of inspiration. She grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, lived nine years in New York City and now has been living in Italy for nearly six years. All of these places have shaped her career and offered a unique perspective on life.

“As Tuscany Flowers is a boutique agency, each member of our team wears many hats. My primary role is to prepare presentations and proposals and plans for clients based on their personal tastes and preferences regarding the style of decorations they would like to have at their event. These kinds of documents may include collages of images and photographs, renderings or drawings of specific decorative elements and venues. I am also responsible for the company’s website”, said Tori.

-Where has the idea come from?

“Tuscany Flowers combines the expert talent of three exceptional florists and horticulturalists. Antonio Magi, Mari Therese Nielsen and Gianni Berni. They combined their talents to create a signature style that comes from their collective experiences from all over Europe and their love for the Tuscan landscape”.

-What kind of events is it generally organizing?

“We have a number of different types of events in our repertoire from small private celebrations to large extravagant weddings. We often find ourselves in some of the most exclusive locations in Tuscany and the world including Santa Croce Church, The Academia and The Louvre for example”.

-Except flowers what kind of decorations do you have?

“Our horticulture work goes beyond flowers with trees, bushes and large plants and branches. Our clients can choose from an expansive selection of vases, urns, and columns as well as gazebos. We also specialize in unique lighting solutions such as chandeliers, candelabras, and lanterns”.

-How many events/ weddings have you organized so far?

“I’m still quite new to the company, and I spent the first couple of months fine tuning our marketing materials. To date, I’d say I’ve been involved in the proposals of about 10 events and the list is growing steadily”.

-What is the approximate cost of a middle-class wedding/event?

“As a luxury agency, all of our designs are couture, so the cost varies a great deal from event to event depending on the size, season, flowers and materials chosen as well as the nature of the design”.

-How long does it take to get prepared for a ceremony?

“The preparation for an event can range from a month or two up to a year depending on the clients planning needs and size of the event”.

-An interesting story/ event that happened during the preparations or ceremonies that is on top of your mind and you would like to share.

“One thing that impressed me when I began working here was the effect of the large floral arrangements when you see them being constructed for an event. It’s quite different than seeing a photograph. In person you can see every detail and every layer. The arrangements are full of little surprises. You can also smell the flowers, which makes the designs appeal to multiple senses to create an environment that does so much more than a photograph can portray. It’s a beautiful experience to see the work come to life. I’m really enjoying it,” Tori summed up.