By Fabrizio Ulivieri
I am Italian even though I don't look like an Italian. I am Catholic even though I don't believe in Catholicism.

I am Italian even though I don't look like an Italian. I am Catholic even though I don't believe in Catholicism.
Isn't this a contradiction?
I've never been fond of this country. And I don't know why. I've never hated this country and I've never loved it at the same time. And I don't know why.
But now time has come to know why and to try to help this miserable society. To have compassion for such devastated land. A land that I hardly understand. Where the opposite of "just" is always valid and counts.
A land where you stay with someone or you are nothing. Where you have a recommendation or you are nothing. Where politicians are comedians. Where comedians are politicians. Where a person is convicted for a murder and four years later the verdict is overturned and the convict is freed. Where if you criticize the class of politicians (casta) you are "antipolitica" (you simply do populism), but instead you are trying to start a new sense of social responsibility which doesn't pertain to the current politics made of nonsense quarrels and personal interests of low profile.
Berlusconi is an exhausted politician but doesn't give up. He probably understands that he completely lost his state of grace but he continues to persist.
The left criticizes the right wing but never proposes solutions, since they have no solution.
The Lega wants Secession but stays in the Government.
The Association of Industrialists (Confindustria) is on the same page as the Unions (Sindacati). The (former) middle-class is paying for the upper classes which never pay for what they should have paid.
The young generations are sacrificed because the oldest generations (their fathers) robbed them any right for a decent life.
In this country there is a deep sense of contradiction that imbued our lives, our minds, our souls, even the air we breathe, and this subsequently caused the largest lack of respect. In this country everything is permitted, and the contrary of everything too. "Gli italiani son brava gente! " (Italians are good guys!), that is the ground that triggered the persistent contradiction we live in today and keeps alive the tremendous lack of respect which is surrounding us everywhere:
We all are good
Ergo everything is permitted
A good guy will never harm anyone
Ergo you can do what you want
Look at the neorealist movie and literature and you will find thousands of these examples. Examples that reveal an anarchist flock-folk, without rules and laws: like a flock we live, like a flock we think, like a flock we act, like a flock we die...
We need to change. We need a different perception of politics: politics as a social commitment; politics as creativity; politics as a continuous act of innovation to launch a new society, just in the sense you launch a new product. Politics have to become more similar to a marketing campaign if we want to change our flock-folk-structure versus a better tied cluster of responsible individuals connected by a vaster sense of social responsibility instead of a flock- folk-sense-of-life.